
API Manager

Yappes API Manager is a full featured GUI to manage the entire API lifecycle, including on-boarding of APIs, defining policies and subscriptions, publishing APIs to the Marketplace etc. The API manager is fully decoupled from request routing.

It enables easier API Lifecycle Management without having to manually edit complex configuration files.


Easy on-boarding of APIs

The API on-boarding wizard walks the user through the setup process. No need to edit complex JSON/YAML files.


At the very core, Yappes applies a set of pre-defined policies for each API. Easy workflows allow default policies to be added or new policies to be created and applied.


Platform provides version management for the APIs at the design level by automatically detect design level API changes based on OpenAPI specifications. Allows users to deprecate single or multiple API version gracefully with standarized sunset headers added to the responses.

Subscription Plans

Create free, freemium and paid subscription plans for APIs. Provides ability to customize Subscriptions through Deal room feature. 


Configure Monitoring policies for APIs and API Groups. Define alerting and escalation policies based on thresholds.


Yappes provides automatic documentation based on OpenApi specifications. Create additional manual documentation as required.

Role Based Access Control

Allows only authorized users to make changes. Collaborate with team members to manage an API.

Import OpenAPI API definitions

Yappes API manager allows importing APIs directly from OpenAPI specification 3.x files. Allows easy migration from one platform to another.

Easy on-boarding of APIs

The API on-boarding wizard walks the user through the setup process. No need to edit complex JSON/YAML files.


At the very core, Yappes applies a set of pre-defined policies for each API. Easy workflows allow default policies to be added or new policies to be created and applied.


Platform provides version management for the APIs at the design level by automatically detect design level API changes based on OpenAPI specifications. Allows users to deprecate single or multiple API version gracefully with standarized sunset headers added to the responses.m dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Subscription Plans

Create free, freemium and paid subscription plans for APIs. Provides ability to customize Subscriptions through Deal room feature. 


Configure Monitoring policies for APIs and API Groups. Define alerting and escalation policies based on thresholds.


Yappes provides automatic documentation based on OpenApi specifications. Create additional manual documentation as required.

Role Based Access Control

Allows only authorized users to make changes. Collaborate with team members to manage an API.

Import OpenAPI API definitions

Yappes API manager allows importing APIs directly from OpenAPI specification 3.x files. Allows easy migration from one platform to another.

API Lifecycle

Design, Test, Deploy, Manage, Monetize your APIs. Manage your APIs from inception to decommission. Designed to work seamlessly.


On-board existing APIs to the platform using the Onboarding wizard or importing an OpenAPI specification. Collaborate with team members to manage the API.


Setup simple CRUD APIs against a database; or connect to a back-end Webservice. New APIs can be created on the platform quickly using the platform libraries. Use our low-code platform to test and verify API contracts before development starts.

Multiple Environments

Yappes platform creates multiple API environments automatically. This provides better control on the default environment subscribers connect to based on subscription plans and policies.


Publish APIs to the Internal or External Marketplace. Tags and search functionality allows easy discoverability. 


Get rich, real time information about the health of the back-end APIs and the platform. Setup Monitoring policies to alert and escalate to DevoPs team based on thresholds.


Create Free, Freemiun and Paid subscription plans in multiple currencies. Consumers can track utilization against subscriptions in the self-service Marketplace portal. Generate invoices based on usage.

Version Control

Create multiple versions of the same API. Requests are automatically routed to the right version based on subscription plan. Allows APIs to be modified without forcing changes on consumer end.


Every API has a lifespan. Warn consumers ahead of time through the Decommission feature. APIs are automatically unpublished and will not longer be available after the set period.


On-board existing APIs to the platform using the Onboarding wizard or importing an OpenAPI specification. Collaborate with team members to manage the API.


Setup simple CRUD APIs against a database; or connect to a back-end Webservice. New APIs can be created on the platform quickly using the platform libraries. Use our low-code platform to test and verify API contracts before development starts.

Multiple Environments

Yappes platform creates multiple API environments automatically. This provides better control on the default environment subscribers connect to based on subscription plans and policies.


Publish APIs to the Internal or External Marketplace. Tags and search functionality allows easy discoverability. 


Get rich, real time information about the health of the back-end APIs and the platform. Setup Monitoring policies to alert and escalate to DevoPs team based on thresholds.


Create Free, Freemiun and Paid subscription plans in multiple currencies. Consumers can track utilization against subscriptions in the self-service Marketplace portal. Generate invoices based on usage.

Version Control

Create multiple versions of the same API. Requests are automatically routed to the right version based on subscription plan. Allows APIs to be modified without forcing changes on consumer end.


Every API has a lifespan. Warn consumers ahead of time through the Decommission feature. APIs are automatically unpublished and will not longer be available after the set period.

API Gateway

Scalable, performant and secure API Gateway.


Automatically scale up the gateways to meet demand in Kubernetes. 

Gateway Policies

Whitelist and blacklist IP addresses, throttle requests based on back-end capacity.


No anonymous access. Authentication and Authorization available by default for all the request routed via the gateway. Provides functionality to use custom-ssl certificates for gateweay to encrypt and call the backend implementation service.Validate incoming requests through Hash Message Authentication Code.


Automatically scale up the gateways to meet demand in Kubernetes. 

Gateway Policies

Whitelist and blacklist IP addresses, throttle requests based on back-end capacity.


No anonymous access. Authentication and Authorization available by default for all the request routed via the gateway. Provides functionality to use custom-ssl certificates for gateweay to encrypt and call the backend implementation service.Validate incoming requests through Hash Message Authentication Code.

Internal / External Marketplace

Full self-service Developer Portal for monetized and free APIs. Flexible pricing plans. Track utilization against subscription. Auto publishing of APIs to the Portal.


Quickly search published APIs through tags and quick search.

Internal Marketplace

Available for internal use within an Organization. APIs are not published on the Internet. However, multiple groups within an organization can easily search, view the API documentation and integrate with their apps.

External Marketplace

Allows APIs to be published on the Internet where consumers can access and utilize them in a self help portal. Consumers can create an account, view published APIs, tryout the APIs and then subscribe to APIs.

Tryout feature

Consumers can tryout APIs before they subscribe to a plan. Providers can limit the number of tryout requests per consumer per API.

Consumer Self help portal

Consumers can create accounts, view published APIs, tryout the APIs and subscribe to APIs. They can also login to the portal to view current consumption against subscription plan, performance of the APIs, errors if any. Invoices will be generated automatically and displayed as per defined period.

Payment Gateway Integration

For Paid API subscriptions, the platform can be integrated with select payment gateways so that the Consumer can pay the invoice on the platform itself.

Subscription Plans

Three types: Free, Freemium and Paid. Allows flexibility to charge consumers as per business requirement in multiple currencies.


Consumers can view critical parameters like average response time, requests per second, utilization against plan etc.


Quickly search published APIs through tags and quick search.

Internal Marketplace

Available for internal use within an Organization. APIs are not published on the Internet. However, multiple groups within an organization can easily search, view the API documentation and integrate with their apps.

External Marketplace

Allows APIs to be published on the Internet where consumers can access and utilize them in a self help portal. Consumers can create an account, view published APIs, tryout the APIs and then subscribe to APIs.

Tryout feature

Consumers can tryout APIs before they subscribe to a plan. Providers can limit the number of tryout requests per consumer per API.

Consumer Self help portal

Consumers can create accounts, view published APIs, tryout the APIs and subscribe to APIs. They can also login to the portal to view current consumption against subscription plan, performance of the APIs, errors if any. Invoices will be generated automatically and displayed as per defined period.

Payment Gateway Integration

For Paid API subscriptions, the platform can be integrated with select payment gateways so that the Consumer can pay the invoice on the platform itself.

Subscription Plans

Three types: Free, Freemium and Paid. Allows flexibility to charge consumers as per business requirement in multiple currencies.


Consumers can view critical parameters like average response time, requests per second, utilization against plan etc.

Monitoring and analytics

Built-in comprehensive observability, flexible and customisable analytics using best of breed technologies and escalation manager.

Monitoring Policies

Create and Apply policies for IP Address blocking to stop DoS attacks, alert Operations team if the number of response errors is beyond a threshold.


Use  the rich metadata in the platform to create beautiful and informative dashboards. Ships with a set of default reports and metrics that can be customized. Built on Open standards like Prometheus and Grafana, the analytics can also be integrated with existing tools if required. Panels can be customized using the simple and powerful PromQL and Grafana queries.


Yappes platform and application logs are all consolidated in the Analytics dashboard. Provides an intuitive and graphical way to troubleshoot errors with APIs.


Yappes provides providers with access to a large number of metrics and API request metadata. Default dashboards include the critical parameters like API latency, Requests/second, Error rate and distribution etc. These dashboards can be further customized as per requirement.

Monitoring Policies

Create and Apply policies for IP Address blocking to stop DoS attacks, alert Operations team if the number of response errors is beyond a threshold.


Use  the rich metadata in the platform to create beautiful and informative dashboards. Ships with a set of default reports and metrics that can be customized. Built on Open standards like Prometheus and Grafana, the analytics can also be integrated with existing tools if required. Panels can be customized using the simple and powerful PromQL and Grafana queries.


Yappes platform and application logs are all consolidated in the Analytics dashboard. Provides an intuitive and graphical way to troubleshoot errors with APIs.


Yappes provides providers with access to a large number of metrics and API request metadata. Default dashboards include the critical parameters like API latency, Requests/second, Error rate and distribution etc. These dashboards can be further customized as per requirement.


Fully self contained product for ultimate privacy. Multiple authentication methods and protocols. RBAC and audit trail of activities. Tested and certified for security vulnerabilities.


Yappes is a self-contained platform with no external dependencies. There is no Control Plane on the Internet where metadata is sent. All features are designed to work within an organization’s firewall and no data is ever sent out of the private network.


Incoming API requests signatures are verified using HMAC.

RBAC for API Manager

Yappes has multiple roles that are authorized to only perform certain changes. Only users with the authorized roles are allowed to make changes to the platform.

Audit Trail

Administrators can view the audit trail of what each user/role did on the platform using the audit trail feature.

Authenticated Users only

The platform does not allow anonymous access, even for Free subscriptions. Every user should be registered so that appropriate security policies are applied based on the roles.


In a Zero trust environment, it is possible to use SSL Client certificates to encrypt data betweeen the gateway and the backend APi servers. Use robust encryption mechanism to hide the user identifiable information at network level.


Yappes has been certified to be compliant with OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities as per Cert-IN standards.

API Security

Yappes provides multiple authentication protocols like Oauth, OAuth2.


Yappes is a self-contained platform with no external dependencies. There is no Control Planon the Internet where metadata is sent. All features are designed to work within an organization’s firewall and no data is ever sent out of the private network.


Incoming API requests signatures are verified using HMAC.

RBAC for API Manager

Yappes has multiple roles that are authorized to only perform certain changes. Only users with the authorized roles are allowed to make changes to the platform.

Audit Trail

Administrators can view the audit trail of what each user/role did on the platform using the audit trail feature.

Authenticated Users only

The platform does not allow anonymous access, even for Free subscriptions. Every user should be registered so that appropriate security policies are applied based on the roles.


In a Zero trust environment, it is possible to use SSL Client certificates to encrypt data betweeen the gateway and the backend APi servers. Use robust encryption mechanism to hide the user identifiable information at network level.


Yappes has been certified to be compliant with OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities as per Cert-IN standards.

API Security

Yappes provides multiple authentication protocols like Oauth, OAuth2.


Create flexible pricing plans for APIs and publish them to the Marketplace. Consumers can subscribe, track usage and make payments on the platform itself.

API Pricing

Provides capability for the user to define multi-tier pricing for the APIs.

Deals & Subscriptions

Enables providers and buyers to negotiate on the pricing, transactions, subscription period and expiry.

API Invoicing/Bills

Platform provides automated/manual invoice generation for the all the susbcriptions of an API. Notification to all the users via inapp and email. 

Invoice Payment and Tracking

Platform can be integrated to payment gateway of customers choice for enabling invoice payment by the users via the platform itself which allows seamless flow of issues and payment of bills.

API Pricing

Provides capability for the user to define multi-tier pricing for the APIs.

Deals & Subscriptions

Enables providers and buyers to negotiate on the pricing, transactions, subscription period and expiry.

API Invoicing/Bills

Platform provides automated/manual invoice generation for the all the susbcriptions of an API. Notification to all the users via inapp and email. 

Invoice Payment and Tracking

Platform can be integrated to payment gateway of customers choice for enabling invoice payment by the users via the platform itself which allows seamless flow of issues and payment of bills.


© 2025 Yappes. Made for the world with lots of ❤️ in India

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